Resignation Letter Sample – Resigning due to family commitments like relocation or marriage.

Of the many business e-mail examples and professional email samples available on this site, the resignation letter sample requested very often - especially by women - was in case when they had to tender in their resignation letter to manager due to family commitments such as marriage or relocation of spouse. Before you start hunting for a new job at a new destination you should first know how to make a resignation letter to move out swiftly from your current job. The resignation letter template given below will help you write your job resignation letter.

<Your Name>
<Contact: Address, Company Designation>
<Manager’s Name>
<Mangers Designation and Contact>
Dear <Manager’s Name>
I wish to inform you that my family is relocating to <destination where you are moving to> from <date when you are moving house>. As in this case since our organisation does not have a office in the city I am moving to, I am left with no choice but to resign from the post of <your designation> with <company name> effective <date of resignation>.
I am taking this decision with the best interests of my family in mind. I am grateful to the organisation for all the opportunities provided to me. Kindly treat this as my official resignation letter. I would be serving a notice period of <no of weeks as per policy> starting <start of notice period>.
Thanking You
<Your Name>
<Designation and Contact>

Also read :

Make sure you check out other resignation letter samples and the standard resignation letter template before submitting your job resignation letter.


  1. The sample letter format was very useful it has given me clear idea, as i was browsing these day.. I want to resign my job for same purpose.. You had helped me a lot. Thanks for sharing!!

    1. @Forms Thanks for sharing your views. We are glad we could help you write your resignation letter. This site contains lots of resignation letter samples. Do check them them out before you submit your resignation.
      If you found this site useful chances are some of your friends might want to know too. Share this post with them, follow us on Google Plus.

  2. Simple and Clean ! This is what i got in my mind when i first completed reading the above given Form for the first time and i think it deserves 4 starts out of 5 from myside !

  3. Hi Sir,
    Currently I'm working for MNC company and today i resigned but my manager is strictly asking me to serve notice period of 3 months. The new employer is not ready to wait till 3 moths and asking me to negotiate, they can wait max 1.5 months!!!They are ready to buyout... Now If my current manager is not at all ready to negotiate the notice period. How can i deal with it? how to deal with buy out option , I'm very new to this, please suggest ASAP

    1. Dear Shrangar
      If your new employer is ready to buyout the remaining notice period then you may negotiate the same with your company. I suggest you negotiate this in person and don't write any unnecessary mails to the company. There are a few points you should consider
      1. Don't let your company know that you new employer is paying for your buyout.
      2. Try to adjust your unclaimed leaves against your notice period
      3. Speak to your immediate manager and HR manager on why you have to leave urgently
      4. Offer to help in the transition and be ready to work extra hours to finish pending work

      This will help you negotiate an early release.
      Best wishes for your career!



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